5-star FVI
Unbeaten yield
Great cool season growth
Very persistent
Eats N for breakfast

Array NEA2
Diploid perennial ryegrass

Diploid perennial ryegrass
- Maxsyn is the next generation perennial ryegrass for all farm systems
- Superior persistence, improved summer growth and tillering
- Available with NEA4 endophyte for good animal health and insect control
- +8 days heading date

Tetraploid perennial ryegrass
- Our highest yielding tetraploid perennial ever
- More tillers - meaning a more robust pature
- With higher animal intakes and easier management, 4front can help lighten your farm footprint
- +15 days heading date

Diploid perennial ryegrass
- All-round, dense, fine leaved persistent performer
- Available with AR1 and AR37 endophytes or as low endophyte
- Ability to grow more DM on the shoulders of the season, in early spring and autumn